What is this current series about?
This four week series explores our identity in God and God’s own identity. This series will focus on the element of Worship within discovering more about Who Am I and Who is He?
Who Am I? – Week 2- Mark Freeman
Big Idea: Worship flows from the heart of the redeemed.
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 6:1-8 (ESV)
- The room was filled with smoke coming from the altar because of a pleasing sacrifice/incense.
- Isaiah’s first reaction is “Woe is Me.”
Scripture Reference: Matthew 5 (The Beatitudes)
Jesus’s sacrifice only makes sense when we understand our sin.
- You can only understand this when we first understand that God is Holy, and we are not.
- “Woe is Me, I am a man of unclean lips”
- Scripture Reference: Matthew 12:36-37 “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
- Scripture Reference: James 3:3-8
- “….your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” (A picture of Jesus’s sacrifice)
- Scripture Reference: Colossians 2:13-15- We have been redeemed.
In light of God’s holiness and our redemption, this should change how we worship.
Questions to Ponder:
- What does this mean for us?
- Why is the “woe is me” so important in Isaiah’s journey of redemption?
- Do you agree with what James says about the tongue in Chapter 3, verses 3-8 of his book?
- Why do you think there was an alter and why did the seraphim take a coal from it?
- How would it make you feel to hear those words “your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for”?
- How should it change your life, if you really believe that you were made right before God by the sacrifice of Jesus?
He Will Find Us
By Skylar Masten
When we are explicit about our brokenness and what we lack in our lives to God, He finds us. Not just in the vicinity of what we are admitting to, but He meets us; exactly where we need Him to.
Worship looks different for each person, each church, even the ever changing moments of our lives. But the important thing is that we do it! Admit to our shortcomings, ask for help, and BELIEVE that God will meet us exactly where we are with the exact answers.
“When we give ourselves to God, really offer Him our most inner doubts, fears, and cries for help; He welcomes us. In our broken state, on our knees, hands raised in surrender asking for help and forgiveness. He welcomes us. ”
When we give ourselves to God, really offer Him our most inner doubts, fears, and cries for help; He welcomes us. In our broken state, on our knees, hands raised in surrender asking for help and forgiveness. He welcomes us. Worshiping Him for His glory and love for us even though we are full of sin. He welcomes us.
Gratitude will cleanse our minds and souls. Reflection will show the humility we all must have in the presence of the Lord. Giving praise to the God that seeks us out and rewards us when we yield to Him.
So with our hands raised or sitting quietly reflecting, God will welcome us and “your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” (Isaiah 6:7) When we admit that the only way for our fears and brokenness to be atoned is by surrendering to Jesus Christ, we will be forgiven. And when that fear and doubt come back, He will find us.