Scripture Reference: Mark 6:45-52
When Jesus calls us what makes us afraid?
We forget Jesus sent us
We forget who he is
When you don’t expect him to show up
Unwavering Love
by Skylar Masten
It recently came to my attention that I have dropped the ball in a friendship of mine. I was selfishly dealing with my world and looking only through the lenses of “my world is crazy right now, I don’t have time for anyone else’s stuff”. How selfish of me! I was so stuck in my own fear of what was my reality, that I completely made a friend feel tossed to the wayside.
For as many times as I have been the one tossed to the side, I have done it to others. Jesus teaches us that when we are in so deep in our own stuff, sometimes all we need is a friend to call to us on our isolated boat. To remind us that love is there, God is there. In the midst of what feels like isolation and fear. Sometimes all we need is a friend to ask us out for a cup of coffee, even just a text. How quickly we can be pulled out of the deep well of our selfish ways by a friend loving us. I had forgotten that, all I wanted was someone to do that for me. When what I needed to do was call, pour a cup or text.
When we reach out, we not only love and help heal our friends, but we ourselves heal as well.
In those moments of selfishness and fear, we must understand that Jesus wants us to take that step, however small it may seem, towards our relationships. He is in our relationships, deep in them, all we have to do is let him shine through. Let Jesus’s example of unselfish, unwavering love be what we do for others. Because we all know that someday soon, we will need someone to do the same for us.
Questions to Ponder
Who are some people God has placed in your life to whom you are afraid to reach out?
Why are we afraid to love sometimes?
What would it look like if we overcame our fear and loved well?