What is this series about?
The last words of a person are very telling of who a person is or was. Over the course of this series, we will be examining seven statements that Jesus made before his death. Through this examination we hope to learn more on this Jesus we follow. At His most vulnerable, we can really ask: Who was He? Why do I follow Him?
This week as we examine the last words of Jesus, we want to ask: At Jesus’s most vulnerable moment, where was his heart?
BIG IDEA: Jesus’s Heart was focused on others
- Jesus was always mindful of the people around Him.
- How should this affect us?
- 1. It should attract us more to Him.
- 2. If we say we follow Jesus and he is this selfless, what should this say about us and how we are to act?
- How should this affect us?
How do we see in his final moments that He was focused on others?
1. He took care of His Mom
- Scripture Reference: John 19:25-27
- “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.”
A. Jesus was incredibly concerned for his family even in the midst of his death.
B. He demonstrates that we need to understand to make sure our priorities are in the right place.
2. He forgave His enemies.
- Scripture Reference: Luke 23: 32-43
- “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
A. Though he had been tortured, mocked, beaten, and was being murdered, Jesus chose to forgive those around Him.
B. He granted forgiveness aloud, so that nothing could keep them from coming to Jesus in the end.
3. He saved the Lost
- Scripture Reference Luke 23:32-43
- “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
A. Though the criminal hanging beside him had done nothing to earn God’s favor, had no opportunity to do good things later, God granted him mercy.
B. This act of forgiveness leads us to ask, what do you really believe about Jesus’s death on the cross? Do you really believe the gift that he offers us is really free?
This leaves us with two application points:
1. If you have never accepted Jesus: Today you can be with Jesus and receive that same forgiveness.
2. If you have already have accepted Jesus: Let the significance of the cross and Jesus’s forgiveness sink a little deeper in.
“When we experience the freedom that comes and the long term ability to just rest and celebrate what an awesome and what a loving, forgiving God he is- That is very different. My encouragement to everyone is to live under the real freedom that comes from understanding how fully gracious and forgiving the God of Universe has been through Jesus.”