Grove Groups
What Is a Grove Group?
At the most basic level, church is a group of people who share faith in Christ and are committed to supporting one another in pursuit of the abundant life Jesus promises. This necessarily means that members know and are truly known by others in the community. As obvious as this may seem, it is not easy and many walk in and out of Churches each Sunday without really being connected to anyone in an authentic way.
At the Grove we intend to change this by making no assumptions and by removing all the obstacles to the life in community God calls us to. Our Grove Group initiative is simply our attempt to facilitate the relationships that may not happen otherwise. We want each person who considers themselves part of the Grove family to have at least 6-8 others that they know and that truly know them.
To do this we gather a bit of information about season of life, availability, and interest and begin to match members together. Ultimately, the effort and responsibility required will remain with each member. However, we hope that by shorting the distance and giving everyone a starting place we will find easier to obey our command to love one-another.
How is it different from Small Groups?
The Small Group ministry at the Grove has been a critical part of what we do from day one. While these groups differ in location, time, and content….they share a commitment to meet often for prayer and Bible study of some kind. This requires a significant commitment and walking into someones home can be a bit daunting.
Grove Groups are meant to provide a chance to walk in community before taking the small group run. In Grove Groups the expectations are much smaller, with no set number of meeting and only the simple goal of care. Grove Groups do tend to grow up and become Small Groups, that meet regularly and include a more targeted Biblical life challenge.
As you would expect, those that have found a Small Group are mostly already experiencing these close relationships. For a current Small Group member, a Grove Group is a chance to invite a new person into the community who is still waiting to feel the inclusion and connection they have found.
How Can I Sign Up?
Fill out this brief questionnaire, then you will be contacted by Mark
to get placed in a group.
Already In a Grove Group?
We would love to know how your experience has been so far!
Click the link below to fill out our survey