Blog Posts

Nothing to Give
by brandi harris I had a dream last night, that as I was leaving church to come home after teaching Sunday school with Grove Kids,

Keep it Up Jacob, See What Happens
By Brandi Harris When you make bad choices, bad things happen. Duh. But then what? Try again? Rinse and repeat? Jacob tricks his brother with

Jacob the Liar
by brandi harris Bible characters are supposed to be upstanding, bold, brave heroes of the faith. They’re supposed to be strong and morally upright. They

Loving the People You Hate
by Scott Sutton “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are

Easter in the Apocalypse
by Scott Sutton What a month. Feels like three. At the time of writing this, it appears that this quarantine life will persist through the

Faith in the Storm
Sometimes the things people go through in life make them feel like they’re in a storm. Maybe it’s losing a job or a loved one.

LOVE in the time of COVID
by Scott Sutton I’ve never lived through a time quite like this. This is my 40th year. I know people twice as old who say the

Standing with Courage in the Hard
by Alex Fittin As an adoptive mom, I often get placed on a pedestal that I never asked for. I know that probably sounds conceited

Divine Moments that Alter Our Plans
by Alex Fittin Even though many of us can say with our mouths that we trust God and want to follow His plan for our